ID: VM - 224 - More Tasks

Location: Persian Gulf, Onboard Enterprise

Time: 0500 hrs

Conditions: Haze

Destination: Oil Tankers at Waypoint 1, CAP about Waypoint 2

Primary Objective: Protect Oil Tankers

Secondary Objective: Kill Migs

Waypoint 0: Enterprise Final Approach

Waypoint 1: Waypoint 1 (37.9 nm)

Waypoint 2: Waypoint 2 (54.7 nm)

Waypoint 3: Start location Enterprise

Recover at: Enterprise

Hornet Two Loadout: 3 x Fuel,, 6 x AIM-9, 2 x AMRAAM

Hornet Three Loadout: 3 x Fuel,, 2 x AIM-9, 2 x AMRAAM

Hornet Four Loadout: 3 x Fuel,, 2 x AIM-9, 2 x AMRAAM


Intelligence reports from US Army Special Forces scouts state that a number of Migs were being armed last night at the Al Basrah IQAAF Airbase. Two enemy transport aircraft were seen at that base, after flying in under the cover of darkness. It is believed that the transports were carrying large general purpose bombs. The ground attack Migs have just taken off and are heading East... while the transports are being readied for flight.



We believe that they will target the Oil Tankers currently on their way to the Mina Al Amanda POL storage area from the Oil Rigs at your first Waypoint.

Launch and follow Hornet Two at 30,000 feet ASL and 250KIAS.Your mission is to CAP North of the Enterprise around Waypoint 2.

Hornet Three and Four will launch behind you and head North to Waypoint Two before turning south to the Mina Al Amanda POL storage area. EID any contacts you spot North of Waypoint 2.



Ensure that no Mig comes within 20 miles of the Oil Rigs.

Be on the alert fro diversionary attacks coming from the South West. US Navy Seals, operating South of Mina Al Amanda, have reported a low flying fast mover heading West. This is the second time they have spotted an aircraft in that area in the last hour. There are no Allied aircraft in the vicinity of Mina Al Amanda at present so the contact is presumed hostile.

Two F-16s are on alert at Safwan Airbase. They will launch if, or when, you approach Safwan.

3 Ex-Soviet mercenary pilots are known to be operating Sukhoi Su-27 aircraft out of Ghalaysan New IQAAF Airbase at present. They may be patrolling in the North West to protect the transports at Al Basrah.

Recover on the Enterprise.